The legal mentions

Owner, responsible for the site

The site and all its components are the property of SBFM, SAS with a capital of 750,000 euros, registered with the RCS of Bordeaux under the number 775 582 117 0047 and domiciled at: 1, avenue de la forêt - ZAC Mermoz - 33320 - EYSINES.

Use of the site

By accessing this site, you agree to the terms and conditions set below. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please discontinue the use of this page.

SBFM reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. You are advised to regularly consult the latest version in force.

Certain dangers are inherent in the use of the Internet so users need to be warned of the potential risks (any infection by computer virus, any bug, any slowdown, etc.) before proceeding to consult the site

Users of the site are required to respect the provisions of the French law on data processing, files, and liberties, the violation of which is liable to penal sanctions. In particular, they must refrain from collecting or using any personal information they access, and in general, from any act that could infringe the privacy or reputation of individuals.

SBFM can not be held responsible for any direct and/or indirect damage resulting from the use made by the customer of the site and/or of any information it contains.
The website www.barbele-securite.compeut refers the user to other websites via hyperlinks. In any case, SBFM can not be responsible for the content of these sites, which is the sole responsibility of their owners.

Publication director

The publication director of the website is Benjamin BERTON


2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix

Audience measurement

The site you are visiting is audited by the Google Analytics audience measurement and analysis system.
The measurement is carried out via a system of remote markers (using the Javascript language) to collect statistical data on our audience to improve quality and ergonomics of our website.
The measurements are anonymous we can not know the identity of our visitors.

Use of cookies

When you arrive on our website, several cookies are placed on your computer. A ” cookie” is a small text file stored by the web browser on the visitor’s hard drive. We can not identify you with the cookies however, it records information of your navigation (pages consulted, date and time of consultation, etc.)

These information are stored 30 days by your computer and 4 years by Google Analytics.

We inform you that you can oppose the recording of cookies by configuring your browser.

In accordance with article 8.1 of the conditions of use of Google Analytics service, we draw the attention of our visitors to the following declaration:

“This site uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The data generated by the cookies concerning your use of the site (including your IP address) will be transmitted and stored by Google on servers based in the United States. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the site, compile reports on the site's activity intended for its publisher, and provide other services relating to the activity of the site and the use of the Internet. Google may communicate these data to third parties for legal obligation or when these third parties process this data on behalf of Google, including the publisher of this site. Google will not combine your IP address with any other data held by Google. You can disable cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. However, such deactivation could prevent the use of certain features of this site. By using this website, you expressly consent to the processing of your data by Google under the conditions and for the purposes described above.

Intellectual property - Copyright

The content of this site falls within French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property.

SBFM retains all the property and moral rights attached to the documents on this site, subject to the rights enjoyed by the authors of the works published on this site. Thus, all reproduction rights, in electronic or paper form, are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and/or photographic representations.

It is prohibited for visitors of to collect, capture, disort or use information on which they have access. SBFM will pursue any attempt to misappropriate the site's documentation.

Automated processing of personal data on

In compliance with the law of January 6th 1978 modified by the law of August 6th 2004 on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties and article 43 of the law of September 30th 1986, this website is declared to the “Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertibés” (CNIL) which is a French Data Protection Agency. The person in charge of processing is SBFM represented by Benjamin BERTON. The personal data collected is intended to provide the user with the services offered by Barbelé Sécurité and SBFM, and will not be used for purposes not covered by this legal notice.

We undertake to take all precautions to preserve the security of the data and in particular to prevent it from being distorted, damaged or communicated to third parties.

Rights of access, modification, rectification and deletion of data

Users have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete their data, following articles 39 and 40 of the law of January 6th, 1978 replaced by the law of August 6th, 2004. As well as the LCEN recommendations.

To exercise this right, you can contact SBFM by mail at Société SBFM 1, avenue de la forêt- ZAC MERMOZ - 33320 - EYSINES

As the Internet does not ensure the integrity of electronic messages (email), SBFM declines all responsibility if these are intercepted or modified by anyone.
Do not disclose sensitive personal information. If you wish to communicate confidential information to us, we advise you to use the postal service.

Non transfer of the customer files

SBFM is only recipient of personal datas and won't proceed to data transfer.

Accessibility of the site

Accessibility is essential when consulting a website and we make every effort to make the site as accessible as possible. We strive to respect Web standards (XHTML, CSS) published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Photo credits

SBFM - Anaëlle Leroy -Rivisa - Betafence - Eurofence - Déclic - Adobe Stock

Environmental contribution

As a manufacturer and marketer of building products and materials (PMCB), we are a member of the eco-organization VALDELIA.
Our registration number in application of article L. 541-10 of the Environment Code is: FR317786_04HEWZ.

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