Privacy Policy

Because your personal data belongs to you, SBFM has implemented measures to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations.

Why does SBFM collect my data via

On this site, we only collect your data for commercial information requests.
This data is then processed by a computer to send you appropriate answers. Your data is only intended for SBFM, their Partners, and their service providers authorized to process your data.

How is my data protected?

We take all precautions to preserve the security and confidentiality of your data, in particular, to prevent it from being distorted and accessed by unauthorized third parties.

What will happen to my data?

SBFM keeps your data for three years from the date of their collection or the last contact or the end of the commercial relationship.

Data is used to establish the proof of a right or a contract.
Or kept to comply with a legal obligation, they are archived following the provisions in force.
At the end of the three years, we may contact you again to see if you wish to continue receiving commercial solicitations. Without a positive and explicit response from you, your data will be deleted. 

What are my rights under the Data Protection Act?

In accordance with the regulations, you can exercise your right to access your personal datas. If necessary, you can exercise your right of correction and deletion of inaccurate or out of date data.
We respect your right to object to commercial prospecting.

You have a right of access, rectification, deletion, minimization and portability of your information.
You can exercise your rights by contacting :

The persons concerned also have the right to define general and particular directives defining the way in which they want their rights to be exercised after their death, by contacting: In the conditions provided by the law and the RGPD, persons with legitimate reasons can object the processing of their data.

Any advice ? A quote request ?
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